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Code Generator

Options → Options → Code Generator sets the code generation options that will be applied to newly created forms (except ones created from templates). They may be overridden by settings in Tools → Generating Options.

#remarks_header[Default Generator Options]#

These settings apply to newly created Forms. They can be overridden in Tools → Generating Options.

If Generate OnEvent code is not checked, Message Loop code will be generated; if it is checked, OnEvent code will be generated.

If Generate events for all controls is not checked, event code is only generated for controls that have the OnClick property set in Object Inspector; if checked, event code is generated for all controls.

If Expand %var% variables is not checked, Captions are converted to code literally; if checked, characters between <color blue>%</color> signs are taken to be the name of a variable, possibly resulting in an expression.

An example: <color blue>Info for user %user%</color> will be generated as <color blue>“Info for user ” & $user</color>.

koda/en/documentation/options_code_generator.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/10 10:48 (external edit)