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Getting Started

#remarks_header[Adding a Control to a Form]#

The Palette (near the top of the screen) contains icons for all available controls, divided into several tabs. Find the kind of control you wish to create. Some of the icons can be a bit difficult to recognize (until you get used to them) but if you hover your mouse over an icon for a few seconds, Koda will show you its name. Click on your chosen icon

Koda calls the window below the Palette the Design Area. Drag and drop there to define the bounds of the control. (You can change them later.) You have added your first control to a form.

If you chose Menu, ContextMenu, TrayMenu or ImageList, Koda ignores the bounds you set because the control won't appear on the form when you run it: these are substitute controls.

If you chose Toolbar, Koda knows to put it at the top of the form; similarly it places StausBar at the bottom of the form.

#remarks_header[Setting Properties for a Control]#

For most controls that will be seen when you run your script, the steps above are all that are needed before you start entering the properties of the control in Object Inspector (which is at the lower left). For the other visible controls, we offer tutorials:

Descriptions of the properties of all controls are in Help, under Controls. When you change a property with a numeric value, remember to confirm your entry by pressing the Enter.

#remarks_header[… And Finally]#

Koda generates AutoIt scripts. When you are ready, try running the script for your form by clicking on or by pressing the F10 key.

When you are satisfied that your form is what you require, click on or press F9 to generate its AutoIt script. You will be able to choose whether the script is saved to a file or placed on the Clipboard.

Welcome to Koda!

koda/en/documentation/how_create_control.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/10 10:48 (external edit)