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Code Dialog

This dialog is accessed via:

  • the Generate Code button on the Toolbar,
  • the F9 key,
  • Tools → Generate Form Code,
  • Tools → Generating Options, Save and Generate

First, select the destination for the generated code by clicking on the down arrow:

  • Copy to Clipboard,
  • Save to file, or
  • Insert into SciTe

Insert into SciTe is only enabled if Koda was run from SciTe.

Then click on the button.

If you choose Copy to Clipboard, the whole of the generated code is copied to the Clipboard.

If you chose Save to file, Koda opens a file save-as dialog, ready for you to choose a .au3 file to save the generated code to. If you choose an existing file, it is overwritten.

If you chose Insert into SciTe, the generated code is pasted into SciTe, into the current AutoIt script at the cursor position.

Koda also allows you to select a block of code. In this way, you can copy part of the code Koda has generated to the Clipboard.

koda/en/documentation/dialog_generate_code.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/10 10:48 (external edit)