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koda:en:documentation:control_label [2014/07/10 10:48] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Label ======
 +|class="cboxcell1"|{{  control_label.gif  |}}
 +Creates a static label
 +|**Align**|{{KODA>VAR>Align}} |
 +|**AutoSize**|When True, width of label automatically adjusts to width of text|
 +|**Caption**|{{KODA>VAR>Caption}} |
 +|**Color**|{{KODA>VAR>Color}} |
 +|**ContextMenu**|{{KODA>VAR>ContextMenu}} |
 +|**Cursor**|{{KODA>VAR>Cursor}} |
 +|**Enabled**|False generates <color blue>GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE)</color> |
 +|**Font**|{{KODA>VAR>Font}} |
 +|**Left,Top**|{{KODA>VAR>Left,Top}} |
 +|**Width,Height**|{{KODA>VAR>Width,Height}} |
 +|**Hint**|Text that appears when cursor hovers over control. Generates call to <color blue>GUICtrlSetTip</color> |
 +|**HotKey**|{{KODA>VAR>Hotkey}} |
 +|**Name**|{{KODA>VAR>Name}} |
 +|**OnClick**|Koda generates (in Message Loop mode) a <color blue>Case</color>  or (in OnEvent mode) a call to <color blue>GUISetOnEvent</color> and a skeleton event function. Double-click to right to open [[koda:documentation:proped_events_editor]] |
 +|**Resizing**|{{KODA>VAR>Resizing}} |
 +|**TabOrder**|Sequence in which controls are selected with the <key>Tab</key> and <key>S-Tab</key> keys. For a Form and for each Group, TabOrder starts with 0. You may prefer to use the [[dialog_tab_order_editor|TabOrder Visual Editor]]: press <key>C-t</key> to open it. |
 +|**UpDown**|Specifies [[koda:documentation:control_updown]] control to attach to control. Create UpDown first. Click on + to show its properties |
 +|**Visible**|If False, generates  <color blue>GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE)</color> |
 +|SS_LEFT|Left-aligns text |
 +|SS_CENTER|Center-aligns text |
 +|SS_RIGHT|Right-aligns text |
 +|SS_BLACKRECT|Rectangle filled with current window frame color (default: black). Does not display text |
 +|SS_GRAYRECT|Rectangle filled with current screen background color (default: gray). Does not display text |
 +|SS_WHITERECT|Rectangle filled with current window background color (default: white). Does not display text |
 +|SS_BLACKFRAME|Box with frame drawn in same color as window frame (default: black). Does not display text |
 +|SS_GRAYFRAME|Box with frame drawn in same color as screen background (desktop) (default: gray) |
 +|SS_WHITEFRAME|Box with frame drawn with same color as window background (default: white). Does not display text |
 +|SS_SIMPLE|Rectangle. Displays single line of left-aligned text. Do not update text. Disabling control does not gray text |
 +|SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP|Left-aligns text in rectangle. Expands tabs, but not word-wrapped. Text beyond control is clipped |
 +|SS_ETCHEDHORZ|Top and bottom edges have EDGE_ETCHED style |
 +|SS_ETCHEDVERT|Left and right edges have EDGE_ETCHED style |
 +|SS_NOPREFIX|Do not interpret ampersand (&) characters as accelerator key prefixes |
 +|SS_CENTERIMAGE|Center an image; center single-line text vertically|
 +|SS_RIGHTJUST|Lower right corner of an image remains fixed when control is resized |
 +|SS_SUNKEN|Half-sunken border |
 +|WS_TABSTOP|Control can be selected with <key>Tab</key> and <key>S-Tab</key> |
 +#remarks_header[Extra Styles:]#
 +|GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG|Allows control to be used as the title bar to drag the whole parent window |
koda/en/documentation/control_label.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/07/10 10:48 (external edit)