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Currently, the development of the Koda project is frozen, the ability to register new users and add new bugreports is disabled.

IDProjectCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusOpened byLast Edited  desc
234KodaApplicationBug ReportLowDummy: notifyAssignedChris Haslam04.05.20114 Task Description

I read in the doc:

The control will “notify” as normal

but do not see an OnClick property.

So how does the user tell a Dummy control to notify?

223KodaApplicationBug ReportLowForm | OnClose, OnMaximize, OnMinimize in MessageLoop ...AssignedChris Haslam04.05.20112 Task Description

With OnClose, OnMaximize, OnMinimize set to Notify, Koda generated the following code with Generating Options set to MessageLoop mode:

#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=F:\Koda forms for PerfectScript\Pic ed test.kxf
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 623, 449, 192, 114)
$Icon1 = GUICtrlCreateIcon("D:\WINDOWS\system32\freecell.exe", -1, 136, 136, 121, 121)
$Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("D:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.bmp", 392, 120, 177, 169)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
While 1
	$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
	Switch $nMsg
		Case $Form1
		Case $Form1
		Case $Form1

The last 3 cases look odd to me.

I would expect in MessageLoop mode:

  • OnClose to default to Notify unless the code which is run by Koda is not the same as that generated

I then switched to OnEvent mode and got:

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=F:\Koda forms for PerfectScript\Pic ed test.kxf
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 623, 449, 192, 114)
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Form1Close")
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, "Form1Minimize")
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MAXIMIZE, "Form1Maximize")
$Icon1 = GUICtrlCreateIcon("D:\WINDOWS\system32\freecell.exe", -1, 136, 136, 121, 121)
$Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("D:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.bmp", 392, 120, 177, 169)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
While 1
Func Form1Close()
Func Form1Maximize()
Func Form1Minimize()

I don’t see Exit, so it appears that this is not the code that is run by Koda. This is only an observation.

222KodaDocumentationBug ReportLowForm controlUnconfirmedChris Haslam04.05.20117 Task Description

Description is in the doc but not in Object Inspector. Do I remove Description from doc?

233KodaApplicationBug ReportLowCannot set OnClick to be noneUnconfirmedMartin Gibson04.05.20112 Task Description

The OnClick property does not work for me if I choose none. With none I expect that there will be no line GuiCtrlSetOnEvent for that control and for lots of things, like labels, I might not have an event.

236KodaApplicationBug ReportLowTreeView :PropertiesUnconfirmedChris Haslam04.05.20111 Task Description

I suggest that Images be called ImageList. This will be clearer.

I suggest that Items be called Nodes.

232KodaApplicationBug ReportLowControl | PicUnconfirmedChris Haslam04.05.20111 Task Description

I have written:

sRealSize - Width and height are determined by original size of image

Is this correct?

231KodaApplicationBug ReportLowCombo: RemarksUnconfirmedChris Haslam04.05.20111 Task Description

The doc
from WinXP the “visual” height of combo cannot be set. Height parameter is showing height of opened combo. Koda allow you to change it manually.

I don’t understand. Is the doc saying that the collapsed height is fixed by XP and up, but that the user can set (with the Height property) the expanded height? If so.I have not been able to see this.

216KodaApplicationBug ReportLowPicture Editor: some observationsUnconfirmedChris Haslam04.05.20117 Task Description

See the doc for the way I understand it.

The Load | File Open dialog filter only offers .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp and .gif.

Via Load, I moused to, and selected, D:\WINDOWS\system32\setup.bmp. This appeared in Custom path to image, and the .bmp appeared in Selected image.

I then changed the path to @SystemDir\setup.bmp. Select image cleared. A bug?

In the course of this, I discovered that there is only one level of Undo here.


  • The File Open dialog filter may be too tight, e.g. .exe should be permitted, perhaps others; however it did allow me to enter F:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\Koda\FD.exe .
  • @ScriptDir should be permitted in Custom path to image. This would be helpful to a user who puts his .bmps, etc. in the same tree as his script. As Run (F9) is now, running the form would show a blank picture. Perhaps Koda could instead temporarily create a picture containing the file spec. Or one saying “File not available to Koda”. Being able to use @ScriptDir is hugely important to me!
  • Koda could, when it generates code, replace a path that begins !:\WINDOWS (where ! is any drive leter) with @WindowsDir. Similarly for @SystemDir and @TempDir I see no harm in this.

Perhaps a filename and ext should be generated by Koda as @ScriptDir\fnam.ext

  • I had a case a while back where picture being a %varaible would have been useful.

Some of these thoughts come from consideration of updating a form in a .au3. I would rather not have to change the file spec whenever I update the script.

  • Having only one input field for the file spec is not user-unfriendly for people like me who make mistakes! I suggest Custom path to image be replaced the fields in the screen shot attached.
237KodaApplicationBug ReportLowListView PropertiesUnconfirmedChris Haslam04.05.2011 Task Description

I suggest that Images be called ImageList. Clearer


I read the info on Alignment:

According to MSDN, the alignment of the leftmost column is always left-justified; it cannot be changed.

MSDN says in full:

If a column is added to a list-view control with index 0 (the leftmost column), it is always LVCFMT_LEFT. Setting other flags on column 0 does not override that alignment. Therefore if you keep inserting columns with index 0, the text in all columns are left-aligned. If you want the first column to be right-aligned or centered you can make a dummy column, then insert one or more columns with index 1 or higher and specify the alignment you require. Finally delete the dummy column.
  • Based on MSDN, Koda would not allow me to right justify column 0, Animal
  • So, following the MSDN procedure, I inserted another column and moved it up to be column 0.
  • I set Animal, now column 1, to right justified
  • I deleted column 0.

The form ran OK. The part of the generated code that does the ListView is here:

$ListView2 = GUICtrlCreateListView("Animal|Coat|Feet", 96, 384, 169, 113)
GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, 50)
GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, 50)
GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 2, 50)
_GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn(GUICtrlGetHandle($ListView2), 0, 1)
$ListView2_0 = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Lucas|furry|paws", $List

I am wondering whether Koda would be able to do the work-around automatically, rather than the user having to do it manually. Perhaps Koda would need to create a zero-width column 0 so Object Inspector would allow the first column that shows in Collection editor to be right or center justified.

Just a thought.

219KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowTreeview Editor: ObservationsAssignedChris Haslam27.04.20117 Task Description

I suggest that:

  • Image index be changed to Image index when unselected
  • Selected be changed to Image index when selected

Selecting a node created earlier without a name is challenging: you have to click exactly in the right place. I suggest that when a node is created, Koda assign it a temporary name, e.g. Node1 (like Menu Editor). This name would be highlighted in the Text input box, ready for the user to enter his own name.

A related question: should Koda even allow a node to exist neither an image nor a name?

It would be user-friendly if images could be selected from a list: see how I have written the doc for To add a node.

It would be nice if icons showed in the treeview control as they do at run time.

Is image the correct word? Aren’t they always icons?

215KodaApplicationBug ReportLowTrayMenu | MouseClick | DefaultAssignedChris Haslam26.04.20114 Task Description

I have problems with Koda generating TraySetClick(”0”) as the default:

  • AutoIt help says that the default is 9 (tray menu shows when left or right mouse button is pressed)
  • The Koda default being Tray menu will never be shown through a mouseclick can lead the inexperienced user to think that creating the Tray Menu has failed.
  • The Tray Menu doc says that the default is mcPriPress + mcSecPress.

It is not clear to me what ShowStdMenu does when a Tray Menu control is on a form.

Any thoughts?

217KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowStrings Editot | Show Hard Return?UnconfirmedChris Haslam26.04.20111 Task Description

It would be nice if Hard Return showed. My experience elsewhere is that, because the width of the Edit control and the width of the Strings Editor are usually different, showing HRt can relieve some confusion.

218KodaApplicationBug ReportLowTreeView bug?AssignedChris Haslam26.04.20113 Task Description

I am trying to understand Image index and Selected index. BTW in the doc proped_treeview_editor.png lacks these controls.

When I tried to generate from the attached form, I got an AutoIt error. See attached screenshot.

214KodaApplicationBug ReportLowTrayMenu | UndoAssignedChris Haslam21.04.2011 Task Description
  1. I clicked on New Form icon
  1. I created a Tray Menu control
  1. I added File as a menu item and gave it Exit as a sub-menu item
  1. I did Ctrl_Z several times
  1. I was then unable to select the form.
208KodaApplicationBug ReportLowCollection editor: name ofUnconfirmedChris Haslam21.04.20112 Task Description

The screen shot in the doc, proped_collection_editor.png, does not agree with Koda the caption is different.

The doc page on the Listview columns editor calls it Collection editor. It is really Column editor?

198KodaApplicationBug ReportLowWhen CBS_DROPDOWNLIST is set, Koda generate CBS_SIMPLE ...NewAdmin15.04.2011 Task Description

When CBS_DROPDOWNLIST is set, Koda generate CBS_SIMPLE instead.

197KodaDocumentationRegular TaskLowTools | Update Script with multiple Koda regions in the...UnconfirmedChris Haslam15.04.20113 Task Description

If there are two Koda regions in a .au3 file, say foo.kxf and bar.kxf, will Update Script work both when foo.kxf is the active form and when bar.kxf is the active form?

It seems to me that this is possible, but the current documentation does not say so.

191KodaApplicationRegular TaskLowMultiple selection of controlsUnconfirmedChris Haslam13.03.20114 Task Description

Where is this mentioned in the Help? I have not found it.

I find it a little surprising that the user shift-clicks to add a control to the selection.

In Explorer (and elsewhere), control-click adds a file to the selection; shift-click adds a range of files to the selection.

Just a thought.

188KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowWhich form should open when you run Koda?UnconfirmedChris Haslam01.03.20112 Task Description

In, it appears that when I run Koda, the form that automatically opens is the last one changed (I am not sure of this).

I would like to see Koda start by opening the form that was active when Koda was last exited. This makes more sense to me.

182KodaApplicationBug ReportLowTools | Generating Options | Template doesn't show Even...AssignedChris Haslam24.02.20117 Task Description

But Events Example is in Code Templates dialog

175KodaApplicationRegular TaskLowForms main menu item: Why?AssignedChris Haslam11.02.20112 Task Description

I do not see the reason for the existence of this menu item.

I can almost as easily key Ctrl-3 and choose which form to activate with the mouse.

Also, consider a form that occupies the whole of the screen. In this case, there is no way IMHO to activate the main menu in order for Alt-m to work. (See the Help as it now is.)

If you wish to keep the Forms menu item, perhaps there should be a function key that focuses Koda so the main menu is active, so Alt-m works.

Or am I missing something?


168KodaApplicationBug ReportLowEdit | Align menu | Center ... in WindowAssignedChris Haslam11.02.20114 Task Description

I suggest that Center Horizontally in Window be changed to Center Horizontally in Parent or Center Horizontally in Container.


“Parent”: As I understand it, Koda now considers a control to be in a group if it is a son of a group in Object TreeView.

“Container”: This can mean both son in Object TreeView and what surrounds a control visually in the Form display. This term would allow for Koda automatically making a control a son of a group if it is visually within the group.

“Window”: to me, this is an imprecise term. It can mean any window.



165KodaDocumentationBug ReportLowEdit | Paste doesn't paste to the current cursor positi...UnconfirmedChris Haslam08.02.20113 Task Description

The Help says “Paste previously copied/cut objects from clipboard into current cursor position”.

Attached is what actually happened when I tried it.

All I can say is that Paste didn’t work as documented. I don’t know how it should work: I am thinking about it.

For the time being, I will document it the way it actually works.

VB5 pastes to the top left of the client area, independent of where the cursor is.


161KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowAuto-sizing in Radio and Checkbox controlsPostponedChris Haslam02.02.2011 Task Description

Auto-sizing in Radio and Checkbox controls would be useful. Default should be False. Put it on the wish list?

164KodaApplicationBug ReportLowFile | Close Form is inconsistent with File | Open and ...UnconfirmedChris Haslam02.02.20113 Task Description

I suggest File | Close.

Documentation says Close, not Close Form.


159KodaDocumentationRegular TaskLowHelp | Property EditorsWaiting feedbackChris Haslam18.01.20111 Task Description

It would be helpful if the Help mentioned how to access the property editors. A few are obvious, but one that is not is the TreeView Editor. There may be more that have this problem.

147KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowTAGroup: A suggestionWaiting feedbackChris Haslam17.01.201111 Task Description

Koda works well at grouping if the user creates a group and then adds radio buttons to it: he decides in advance what area of the form will be needed for the radios, and then adds the radios. For example, he creates Group1 and then creates Radio1 and Radio2 within it.

But two scenarios:

  1. But what if he later realizes that he needs a third radio in this group? When he enlarges the Group area and adds Radio 3, Radio3 is not placed in Group1. It should be.
  1. The user creates Checkbox1 and CheckBox2. He then surrounds them with Group2. The checkboxes are not made part of Group2. They should be.

I suggest that code be added to Koda: when a group is created, include in it all controls which are within the area of the group.

150KodaApplicationBug ReportLowExpand %var% variablePostponedChris Haslam17.01.20117 Task Description
  • I ran Koda. It brought up a form I had created earlier. Expand %var% variable was unchecked
  • I created a label
  • I entered %name% is a cat in Label | Caption
  • I checked Expand %var% variable
  • I clicked on Generate Code. ⇒ $name+”is a cat”
  • I unchecked Expand %var% variable
  • I clicked on Generate Code. ⇒ $name+”is a cat” again

This seems illogical.

What is the scope of Expand %var% variable? Is it specific to the form/.kxf file, or is it application level? Is it working as intended?

153KodaApplicationBug ReportLowTAInput with TAUpdown always sets initial value to UpDo...PostponedChris Haslam17.01.20116 Task Description

I set the Min to 1 and the Max to 9 in Updown. I could not then change the Text in Input to 3. I should be able to do this.

154KodaApplicationBug ReportLowTAUpdown: Problems in AutoIt affect KodaUnconfirmedChris Haslam03.01.20112 Task Description
  • GUICtrlSetLimit() sets max and min but not increment. Perhaps a _GuiCtrlSetLimit(max, min, incr) could be written. Then Koda could set a (new) Increment property. It is needed if UDS_ARROWKEYS is to work. You may have some influence over Jon to add to GUICtrlSetLimit().
  • If no style is specified, Updown is placed to the right of the Input, but $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_UPDOWN alone puts the UpDown to the left of the Input. This is because UpDownConstants.au3 has

    To me, $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_* are equivalent to -1. AutoIt Help says that -1 means $UDS_ALIGNRIGHT. Right is where you expect to see an UpDown. So Koda should use $UDS_ALIGNRIGHT until AutoIt fixes $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_UPDOWN.

141KodaApplicationBug ReportLowAbility to generate more then one tab on one formPostponedAdmin07.11.2010 Task Description

While this is cause not too consistent bahaviour (in case of one tab - code generating in one manner, in case of more - fully different), this can be done with only pure Autoit functions. So probably we can give a try.

140KodaApplicationFeature RequestVery LowUnicode supportUnconfirmedThong30.10.20101 Task Description

I am vietnamese,i use the unicode,but koda don’t support it,we need it,thanks

139KodaApplicationFeature RequestVery Lowadd a option 'set caption also set name'Postponedthesnow25.08.20101 Task Description

add a option ‘set caption also set name’,set name do nothing with caption.

or add a right menu ‘set caption as form name’ to property list.

133KodaApplicationBug ReportLowProblems with Toolbar ConfigurationAssignedSpence29.06.20102 Task Description


Add “NewPage” or “NewButton” to a Toolbar (e.g. Standard Toolbar or User Toolbar n” will not show the Icons

with showing User Toolbar3**

User Toolbar 1 is configure well User Toolbar 2 is not configure User Toolbar 3 is configure “Apply” Button Result: User Toolbar 1 is shown, User Toolbar 3 is not shown! a1. User Toolbar 1 is configure well User Toolbar 2 is not configure User Toolbar 3 is configure After “Apply” Button User Toolbar 2 is setting up “Apply” Button Result: All Toolbars will shown b. User Toolbar 1 is configure well User Toolbar 2 is configure well User Toolbar 3 is configure “Apply” Button Result: User Toolbar 3 will not be shown!

131KodaApplicationBug ReportHighUnable to insert embedded IE controlAssignedND04.05.20109 Task Description

In version when I try to add an embedded IE control (Shell.Explorer.2) to a form Koda shows
‘Call to DllRegisterServer failed in

As consequence no AU3 code is generated for the control - although it shows on the form - and all attempts to open the definition file afterward fail with the same error message, so the only remaining option is to open KXF file as XML and remove the control manually.

Especially confusing is the fact that Koda wants to call DllRegisterServer at all. Why is it necessary? The DLL is already registered on the system, otherwise the control wouldn’t appear in the Koda’s object browser.

129KodaApplicationBug ReportMediumDummy controls appears behind menusAssignedAdmin15.04.2010 Task Description

Dummy controls appears behind menus. Not worth to create some small hack again: new similar bug will appear surely. Better to rethink and rewrite this part of codegen.

114KodaApplicationBug ReportLowCtlr+с copy elements but not the valueAssigned06.03.20101 Task Description

keyboard shortcut Ctrl+С copies of the element, although I need to copy the instance name of the element.

102KodaApplicationBug ReportLowIn String list editor all words are not translatable.UnconfirmedThierry05.02.20101 Task Description

In the string list editor, we can’t translate all the terms
attached image.

37KodaImportFeature RequestLowImport - Listview column widths - not importedAssignedZedna03.02.20103 Task Description

$Form1 = GUICreate(”Title”, 300, 200, -1,
= GUICtrlCreateListView(”A|B|C”, 15, 15, 270,

Column widths are not imported from AU3 to KXF.

81KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowAbility to separate form generating code and event codeUnconfirmed04.11.20091 Task Description


I would like to separate the code for generating the form, and my own event code.

One way to do this would be to let Koda generate an au3 file for generating the form, but no event handlers. I would just #include this file in my own au3 file. I am responsible myself for generating the right functions for the event handlers, or I could implement an event loop.

More complex options could be conceived, like in the following post :

I would be interested in contributing to Koda, and maybe implement this feature myself. I have 10 years of professional programming experience in Borland C++ Builder and Delphi.


79KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowRichEdit custom controlAssignedAdmin15.10.2009 Task Description

RichEdit custom control since it’s UDF was added in the standard distributive.

21KodaApplicationBug ReportLowResizing property - missing some constantsPostponedZedna16.03.20092 Task Description

In object inspector is property Resizing generated code GUICtrlSetResizing()

But there are missing constants (defined in AutoIt’s helpfile): $GUI_DOCKSIZE, $GUI_DOCKMENUBAR, $GUI_DOCKSTATEBAR, $GUI_DOCKALL, $GUI_DOCKBORDERS

All these contants are defined by sum of base constants already defined in
I think it may be intentional to not add these contants.

But it would be pretty handy to have them all in Koda.

24KodaApplicationBug ReportLowGeneration options dialog is loose indent char selectio...AssignedAdmin06.02.2009 Task Description

Generation options dialog is loose indent char selection, when opening options dialog by clicking “Manage” button, and then clicking “Ok” in options dialog.

11KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowRemove ClientWidth/ClientHeightAssignedAdmin13.11.2008 Task Description

Remove ClientWidth/ClientHeight for the Form (Make Width=ClientWidth etc)

8KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowCustomizing fontsAssignedAdmin13.11.2008 Task Description

Customizing fonts (by EulerG)

6KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowNot rename form when loading (Form1->Form1_1)AssignedAdmin13.11.2008 Task Description

Not rename form when loading (Form1?Form1_1)

4KodaApplicationFeature RequestLowSave chosen template as one of form optionsAssignedAdmin13.11.2008 Task Description

Save chosen template as one of form options.

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