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Attached to Project: Koda
Opened by Chris Haslam - 22.05.2011

FS#289 - Toolbar: suggested changes

TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS: not needed in OI because Koda knows whether Hints have been specified. So suggest remove TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS for now.

TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG: Doc would say “Allows changing a button’s position by Alt-dragging it, rather than Shift-dragging it. Requires CCS_ADJUSTABLE”. Also doc would describe CCA_ADJUSTABLE as “enables user to add, delete, and rearrange buttons”. CCA_ADJUSTABLE is defined in Constants.au3. Suggesting adding styles is beyond my current scope, so I suggest removing TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG for now.

TBSTYLE_LIST does not seem to work, so I suggest removing it from OI.

TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE: Doc would say “Generates NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification codes when toolbar processes WM_ERASEBKGND messages”. This is not generated by Koda, so I suggest removing it from OI.

TBSTYLE_REGISTERDROP: Doc would say “Generates TBN_GETOBJECT notification codes to request drop target objects when the cursor passes over toolbar buttons”. This is not generated by Koda, so I suggest removing it from OI.

Extended Styles: Bug: won’t stay checked, so can’t test them.

TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS: Requires TBSTYLE_LIST, which doesn’t seem to work. So I suggest removing TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS from OI.

TBSTYLE_EX_HIDECLIPPEDBUTTONS: AutoIt help says “Hides partially clipped buttons”. To me buttons could only be partly clipped if buttons were added. CCS_ADJUSTABLE is not in OI, so I suggest removing TBSTYLE_EX_HIDECLIPPEDBUTTONS for now.

Chris Haslam commented on 22.05.2011 03:30


BTNS_BUTTON, BTNS_SEP, BTNS_CHECK: redundant because specified in Style property. So I suggest removing them.

Because Style is handled as a property, I suggest that a boolean Group property be added. Then BTNS_GROUP could be remove from OI. BTNS_GROUP cannot be used now because it is disabled.

None of the BTNS styles can be checked, so I can't test them.

BTNS_NOPREFIX, BTNS_SHOWTEXT: Only pertain if TBSTYLE_LIST is checked. TBSTYLE_LIST doesn't seem to work so I suggest removing them.

This completes my first pass through the styles. It has been more challenging than I expected!


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